

1-partnerB University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)
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University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) is the coordinator of the EUROLEGUME project. This institution is a highly dynamic university situated in the heart of the Portugal Northern region and lying very close to all the major agro-food companies of the region. UTAD has always carefully considered the issues that are important to the producers (the farmers), the processing industries and the public; specifically regarding to food safety/quality.


UTAD contributes to the overall project execution being involved in every work packages. Prof. Dr. Eduardo Rosa and Lígia Pinto, MsC as Scientific Coordinator and Project Manager, respectively, lead those tasks included in work package 1 concerning to project management and coordination, project monitoring, control and quality management, implementing an efficient structure for communication, management and administration, and develop the project quality plan.


Dr. Guilhermina Marques on behalf of UTAD leads WP3, concerning Selection of appropriate rhizobium strains to support nitrogen fixation and development of inoculants , which is focused on enhancing of biological nitrogen fixation and phosphorus uptake by legumes through synergic influence of rhizobia and arbuscular mychorrizal fungi toward the obtaining of high nutritional value food and feed products in sustainable agriculture. Furthermore, Dr. Guilhermina Marques also leads task 3.2 regarding phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Rhizobium leguminosarum and Bradyrryzhobium spp. Strains.


Dr. Miguel Rodrigues leads WP6 named Management and valorization of residual biomass  addressed to recycling, reuse and recover of fiber residues from legume production by application to animal feeding, and studying their effect on the available N to the following crops and the carbon sequestration as well as greenhouse gas emission. Dr. Miguel Rodrigues gives additional coordination to task 4.1 and 6.1 on evaluation of the quality of feed and food and added value of crop residues added-value of co-products residues, respectively.


Dr. Henrique Trindade leads the task 6.3 about carbon sequestration and greenhouse gases balance.


Additionally, Prof. Dr. Valdemar Carnide will conduct UTAD contribution to tasks 2.4 and 5.3, concerning the evaluation of genetic diversity by molecular methods and transcriptomic characterization in drought stress.


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