Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT)
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The Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT) is the partner nº 10 of the EUROLEGUME Project. The UPCT is the youngest public University in Spain, as it was established in 1998. It is located in the heart of Campo de Cartagena Area, one of the most important zones in Europe dedicated to “out of season” vegetable crops production. Most of the researchers involved in this Project belong to the Institute of Plant Biotechnology (IBV). It was created in the year 2000 to establish and consolidate excellence groups in the Region of Murcia in the areas of vegetable and agricultural biotechnology and biological systems engineering, with the development of relevant projects of agricultural production and its industry.
UPCT researchers are involved in most of the work packages. Particularly, Dr. Catalina Egea-Gilabert leads task 2.4 regarding evaluation of genetic diversity by molecular methods, Prof. Dr. Juan A. Fernández leads task 5.2 about biological nitrogen fixation focused investigations and Dr. Marcos Egea and Dr. Julia Weiss lead task 5.3 concerning transcriptomic characterization in drought stress.
Additionally, Dr. Juan Esteva will conduct UPCT contributions to task 2.1 and 2.2 about sourcing and characterization of genetic diversity of local resources of cowpea, fava bean and pea and phenotyping selected accessions for site specific biotic and abiotic stresses, respectively; Dr. Eva Armero will contribute to task 4.1 concerning to evaluation of the quality of new feed and food in collaboration with the SME Kpra; Dr. Francisco Artés-Hernández will contribute to task 4.2 about multiuse of all three species in development of innovative foods/feeds on which will mainly contribute Dr. Perla Gómez, with special emphasis on sensory quality, and Dr. Encarna Aguayo will contribute to task 4.3 concerning to development of new processing and packaging techniques. Finally, Prof. Dr. Francisco Artés (Director of the IBV) will contribute to tasks 4.2 and 4.3.
Finally, Prof. Angel Faz is focusing his work on soil characteristics to optimase fertilization of the tested crops, on the task 5.2 and WP6. Enphasis will be dealing with nitrogen fixation, soil quality, carbon sequestration, N availability and greenhouse gas emissions.