IMG 1142


EUROLEGUME and LEGATO successfully organise the “International Conference in Grain Legume Cultivation and Use”


EUROLEGUME, in partnership with the LEGATO project, successfully held the International Conference in Grain Legume Cultivation and Use. The conference took place in Novi Sad, Serbia, on September 27-28, 2018.


During the two days, the conference included several sessions focusing on genetics and breeding; biotic stress resistance; enhancing legume quality; the EU vision and perspectives for research, food and nutrition security; defining ideotypes root phenotyping and microbial interaction; agronomy; and climate changes, stress adaptation and mitigation measures. Each of these sessions had several presentations and a Q&A.


The conference also counted with key note sessions from various internationally renowned researchers, including Professor Timothy Close (UC Riverside, USA), Professor Moira Dean (QU Belfast, United Kingdom), Stephanie Mittermaier (Fraunhofer IVV, Germany), Professor Mark Peoples (CSIRO, Australia), and Dr. Thomas Nemecek (Agroscope, Switzerland).



In addition to these oral presentations, the conference also included round table discussions, poster presentations, flash talks and a fun show cooking session with Chef David Gomes.


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